On the Feast of St. Jude, October 28, 2023 our Parish will celebrate its 75th Anniversary. Both the parish and school are planning many events to celebrate this occasion. St. Jude School is a ministry of the parish and has been given many gifts because of the parish. As recipients of these gifts, we are called to be good stewards and show gratitude to God for these gifts, by giving back to Him the “first fruits.” We do not own the gifts God gives to us. We are only here on earth to use those gifts to do God’s work. Sharing our gifts and returning them to God means giving generously of our time, talent and treasure.

In 1992 the U.S. Catholic Bishops released a pastoral letter on stewardship entitled: “Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response.” The Bishops described a Christian steward as one who:

Receives God’s gifts gratefully

Cherishes and tends them responsibly

Shares them in justice and love

Returns them to God.

One of the special things happening at the parish is a prayer written to celebrate the 75th anniversary. This prayer will be recited during Mass in place of the prayer to St. Michael. As stewards of our parish's gifts, I am asking all of our school families to be good stewards and give their time to pray the prayer each night with your family.

Upcoming Anniversary Events

Almighty and Loving Father,

We come to you on this 75th Anniversary of our parish with grateful hearts.

We thank you for allowing this parish to be home to so many over the years.

We give you thanks for our founding members both living and deceased,

most especially for the life and witness of Fr. Szot, our first pastor.

We thank you for all the priests, deacons, sisters

and faithful who have been part of this parish.

Pour forth your Holy Spirit on this church that we may continue the saving work

of Jesus Christ through Word, Sacrament and Service.

Help us bring back those who have slipped away.

Let all who enter our doors feel a warm welcome and a true sense of belonging.

We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
